How do I access my entry?

You can access your entry from the section “Check your registration”:

  • f you entered in person, you can access as "BUYER", using the email address and password you indicated in the "buyer" section when making the entry.
  • If you did NOT make the entry, you can access as "RUNNER", indicating your forename, surname and date of birth. In this case you will be able to consult your entry, but not make any change.

How do I pay a pending entry fee?

  • If you have a pending entry fee, you should access the section “Check your registrationas "BUYER", using the email address and password you indicated in the "buyer section" when making the entry.
    If you can try again to make the payment, the "PAY" button linked to the entry will appear. If it does not yet appear, wait for a few hours and try again. We activate payment manually, and need some time.
  • If someone else made the entry, you can ask that person to try to make payment again via the section  “Check your registration”.

gestiona inscripciones

Can I change my entry details?

If you made the entry yourself, you can change your entry by accessing the section “Check your registrationas "BUYER", using the email address and password you indicated in the "buyer section" when making the entry.

Changes you can make

  • Changes to your personal details
  • Change to your T-shirt size (up until 20 September)
  • Change to your race bag collection point (up to 20 September)

If you did not make the entry, you have two options::


Registrations sold out

SOLD OUT Registrations for the 59.Behobia-San Sebastián in the runner category.

Never in the history of Behobia had happened something like this.

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Quirónsalud: Consejos desde la Unidad del Pie de Policlínica Gipuzkoa

"Combinar tiradas largas con series en cuesta y entrenamiento de fuerza mejorará el rendimiento y ayudará a prevenir lesiones de pierna."
Lucia Esco, podóloga de Podoactiva.

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Luanvi presents the Behobia 2024 training shirt

Luanvi, marca deportiva oficial de la Behobia San-Sebastián 2024, ha lanzado hoy la esperada camiseta de entrenamiento. Siguiendo el éxito de su antecesora "Training for Behobia", Luanvi lanza en edición limitada la esperada camiseta de entrenamiento ultraligera.

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