Better access for everyone

This website has among its objectives full accessibility for all types of users.

Accessibility consists in accessing information without limits despite handicaps or disabilities. Many people reach the information on our WebPages from contexts that are very different from our own, since...

  • They can have mobility vision or hearing problems.
  • They can experience reading or comprehension difficulties.
  • Maybe they cannot use the keyboard or mouse.
  • They may only have a text reader, a small screen or a slow connection.
  • Etc...

Accessibility is not solely of interest to those people with disabilities, it also improves accessibility to the web in general.

The Reach of our Accessibility Policy

Unfortunately, some web contents have limited accessibility and do not reach the level maintained by the rest of the site.

Naturally, we are conscious that the accessibility of this web can be improved and we are working towards it. We invite you to help us in our efforts with your comments, complaints or suggestions.


Registrations sold out

SOLD OUT Registrations for the 59.Behobia-San Sebastián in the runner category.

Never in the history of Behobia had happened something like this.

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Quirónsalud: Consejos desde la Unidad del Pie de Policlínica Gipuzkoa

"Combinar tiradas largas con series en cuesta y entrenamiento de fuerza mejorará el rendimiento y ayudará a prevenir lesiones de pierna."
Lucia Esco, podóloga de Podoactiva.

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Luanvi presents the Behobia 2024 training shirt

Luanvi, marca deportiva oficial de la Behobia San-Sebastián 2024, ha lanzado hoy la esperada camiseta de entrenamiento. Siguiendo el éxito de su antecesora "Training for Behobia", Luanvi lanza en edición limitada la esperada camiseta de entrenamiento ultraligera.

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